Saturday, September 4, 2010

reborn baby dolls Two age children want to play all the time swallow 40 intestines antidyspeptics to

2 year-old young boy ate the candy to swallow down 40 intestines antidyspeptics equally likely, nearby public health center's doctor said that drank a water to be all right. But, in a while, the child started to have a fever, did not stop twitches, afterward the stupor, then has also been possible to be flustered the parents. Several pass through the troubles, 7:00 pm last night, this child has been fed in the city second hospital.

Eats the candy to swallow the pill equally likely

Little girl Tong Tong (alias) only then 2 years old, the parents comes from Anhui this year, at present family of three live in Jiashan. The day before yesterday evening, she unexpectedly has taken half bottle of intestines antidyspeptic,reborn baby dolls, then might be flustered the parents.

That night, I and child her father worked in the wrong side of the door, as soon as afterward found time me to run up to the room to look, discovered Tong in the Tong hand was taking half bottle of intestines antidyspeptic, I remembered that this bottle of medicines have not opened have sealed, how possibly half bottle? Therefore Tong Tong Aunt ran immediately calls to account child her father, Tong Tong Ba said that because Tong Tong Chao must play this jar, therefore only then played the jar to her.

I thought that this jar has not had Kaifeng, the child is impossible to open, has played along with her, then I exited to do the matter. Tong Tong Ba said.

But who hadn't thought that on a twinkling free time, 2 year-old Tong Tong unexpectedly has twisted off the jar lid, eats the candy to be the same likely,(Related Articles[baby amusing thing] the abundant young's frog rests posture ~), has swallowed pisolite big pill one, the one breath has eaten half bottle unexpectedly,gucci kids clothing, has 40 probably.

The child high fever does not draw back transfers to another hospital

Tong Tong Ma hugged Tong Tong to run up to the plot nearby public health center immediately, let doctor have a look. According to Tong Tong Ma recalls, at that time in the public health center that young doctor was looking in room the human plays mahjong, he was only casually for Tong Tong Kan, then told Tong Tong Ma saying that this medicine ate has been all right, drank Shui Jiuhao.

Doctors like this said that I certainly on letter. Therefore Tong Tong Majiu hugs the child went home, that night but actually also lived in peace with each other. But to second day of 4:00 am, Tong Tong Ma has gotten out of bed looks at Tong Tong,homemade gifts for kids, discovered that her body boiling hot, had a fever obviously. I give her a quantity body temperature, 39 degrees Celsius! Was flustered Tong Tong Ma delivers hastily Tong Tong the Jiashan People's Hospital.

Tong Tong has hung one day of salt water in the Jiashan People's Hospital, but the condition actually has not seen the change for the better, therefore Jiashan People's Hospital's doctor suggested that Tong Tong Ma changes to the child Jiaxing to see a doctor.

Goes home to plan is compelled to postpone

7:00 pm last night, Tong Tong changed to the city second hospital. After Tong Tong Ma sees reporter, the eye socket has been red. At that time has believed that doctor's words, he said is all right, child have taken that many medicines, don't I how possibly deliver her to go to the hospital?

Tong Tong Ma said that this intestines antidyspeptic originally is for Tong Tong Chi, because she has diarrhea frequently, but each time eats one, possible Tong Tong to eat be used to it, child nobody looks, randomly ate.

Original today planned that led Tong Tong to return to one's old home has celebrated the new year, had not thought really could have such matter. She only then 2 years old! What sequela can drop? Tong Tong Ma annoying.

However city two courtyard's doctors comforted Tong Tong Ma saying that child any important matter, now has not been has a fever fiercely, and so on will draw back has burnt will change for the better, but the special details must further observe.

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