Friday, August 6, 2010

baby bibs [Blog] Neotv. Zhouning Surmounts the game to surmount itself

    2010 WCG China area finals have ended, was also one year passes. The Chinese area finals are in one year busiest period of time, before starting the preparatory work pressure is very big, but has turned head has a look is also actually this. After special bustles about, brings the sequela is felt the present is a little deserted.

    This year's opening ceremony put section of video frequencies, the video frequency name has been called " the WCG 10 years ", after looking, what was really the suitable move, many contestants attended the opening ceremony in the front row, I thought that each contestant and my feeling should be the same, had has the move excitedly ......Speaks the truth, this flat and thin piece's many source material clarity is not actually very high, but he indeed has the content, lets us have the recollection, has the substitution feeling, also two looked at this flat and thin piece after South Korea's honored guests is the unusual excitement, they should think a oneself these 10 years group walked the difficulty, this kind of emotion was very sincere.

    This year already was our third year makes the WCG China area finals, recalled that what is really many stories. Said that some everybody did not know, buries after the attractive sharp thing listens for everybody. Some matters are quite awkward, some are our ponders, as far as possible real recalls from mine angle, places inside own blog to take a memento.

    I earliest contact WCG China finals are at 07 year time, that year's organizer was not we, we are participation as the retransmission side inside, 07 year time I and the small R two people was responsible to retransmit and the sports event coordinated work, the final appraisal was very bad, what the net friend scolded was in a complete mess, mentioned treats, at that time the primary cause which scolded is retransmits the card, this matter should be the organizer is responsible for the network erect, finally did a little is suspended in midair, the mass audiences did not know the organizer, but NEOTV a little face ripe, on simply scolded him ......However thinks that at that time scene competition network presented the interrupt, the retransmission has broken is not small CASE! A while ago had written a section to 07 year Chinese area finals' recollection. Saw is scolded some points of view by many audiences not to be indeed balanced, but at that time very, our space and the operation leeway was too small .07 year WCG China area finals I to be very disappointed, summarized to discover,baby bibs, most mainly could not do well the reason was the human who made WCG competes to the electricity is not too understood, competed to the electricity does not have the sentiment, also did not have a mature team, their main core was a commerce, appraised them to the net friend does not care about, in theirs idea, the manufacturer, sponsor's leadership never could on the electricity compete and the game website looked, so long asOn the plane media and CCTV could under the report completely arrive, how was left over is to save the cost to increase the income. WCG2007 like this had finished in such situation, we are also the decision must go in such situation to take the WCG China area the operation, if such operator is doing, that retransmission might as well does not make the .NEOTV oral traditions after this finals, dropped many.

    Was experiencing a series of difficulty, the WCG operation power has taken finally down, the WCG China entered the NEOTV time.

    when 08 year finals does in the second dawn honorable stadium, entire large model was doing before several years, did not have the big change reason first is the time is insufficient, second was does for the first time, could not but careful and discrete somewhat. The first time trial water has bumped into some troublesome, on the spot, the retransmission illustrates the matter occurrence which and sports event these three more or less have some to never be predicted.  

    The first day of opening ceremony original is 12:00 pm starts, but equipment's debugging has bumped into some questions, and so on all assembled contestants the time which central starts in the stage already was 1:00 pm, retarded fully for one hour, all VIP and the audience have also waited in the scene for one hour, causes the biggest reason which this event occurs to lack the experience, the sports event, the retransmission, moves everybody to wait for each other, so long as after actually in the opening ceremony and the first stage's first game is ready, might start. Inside two year finals, began with the direct seeding has become the most rigid standard punctually.

    08 year illustration was inside these three years invites external honored guest most one years, the evil spirit beast we to invite Lao Yang, the interspace we to invite xdlove and so on, but the effects were quite ordinary, Lao Yang and xixi coordination,kids clothing, the small color 66 and master's coordination was not is so coordinated, was the organized group which after all builds temporarily, regardless of each other specialized fame were much big, did not have long time wearing in definitely to have is short, therefore after the two year invitation illustration was also the consideration many somewhat.

    08 years have one to let my pressure quite big matter, now recalled are a splendid story, but at that time absolutely were a major accident. That is 08 year finals third day of finals date morning, in the morning the sunlight was beautiful, experiences previous the second competition to rush about, last natural lifespan was walks was on the track, that day I also already had drawn back the room, pulled the contestant who their baggage and participated in the finals date in hotel buses and so on great hall, the mood is also calculating well, the small color telephoned, I thought that was the bus possibly must delay some, the result he and I said that the awarding cup medal in xixi sat on the rental car, their several got down time has not taken, lets the rental car drive away, and has not taken the fare receipt. I heard this news directly to fall stuffily, the secondary reaction was wants to fall directly the handset on the wall, when has not heard this matter! Suppressed the entire half minute, side several contestants looks that I thought am very strange, this expression definitely was suitable awkward, after bearing, if wanted the solution, to leave the promulgation also to have 6-and-a-half hours at this time, 30-40 awarding cup medals lost completely, brace oneself telephone to give the eldest child, it is said the eldest child also had throws handset such impulsion ......Lost that set of awarding cup medal I on-line ahead of time one month order, spent a week to post to my hand, but in the following 6-and-a-half hours, my duty was recreates a set of awarding cup medal, where under the line has this thing to sell, was a little confused, only could depend on the feeling to look!

    My luck has been good in the critical moment, does not have the means that the moral behavior is good! I hit Che Dao the luck state road, on the lucky state road have sold awarding cup's shop entrance to sit a fat person to pull business, saw I towed the suitcase to go shopping, as soon as the look cancelled to me, therefore I came up, although the surface was very at heart anxious, but must display the calm appearance, otherwise must the families who cut not know! Speaks the truth, the luck is really good, not only that fat person sells the awarding cup medal also in local to have the manufacture room, can engrave completely before 4:00 pm to me makes a wrap, when that fat person I does not understand, also looked that I have taken a suitcase, when my people from other place, rubs the knife to prepare to put my blood,(Related Articlesbaby gift Dark Lourie Anne Heroic Alliance master), I strong am a little strong, and he chats with the Shanghai dialect, elder brother I in the past was also mix this, whose who who you did know that cut down and so on ......Got so far as adds finally has caught up with the labor cost 30% money, now thinks that initially met time the fat person calm to compare has the function:)Finally all smooth was promulgating the preceding -and-a-half small fortune to the competition scene, this Guan Xianxian. Turned head has a look at two years to pass, this matter has been reminding us, engaged in the competition activity, wanted discretely again discrete, this luck was good, somewhat preliminary wrong was unable to make up.

    Although 08 year we have taken the WCG world best operator's award item finally,baby socks, but this is only a start, but also has many insufficiencies.

    The LIKE in awarding cup was just did in the afternoon, right side this chart's awarding cup was the taxi driver discovered, delivered in the third day to us, most right side that awarding cup was 08 year best operator awarding cup

    after 08 year finals, we had discovered a question, the scene audience and the contestant and retransmission interactive is very limited, how does this question solve? Can not but approve lets WCG go out the stadium to enter the exhibition center the decision, does this except the large-scale sports event's world finals, the local finals conduct in that big facility, competes in the sports event in China's electricity I not to remember has. Solely from the cost, the stadium and the convention center is not a number magnitude. The sports event and the scene management face the pressure is also unusual big, many colleagues are also first time carry on such activity. Actually 09 year Chinese area finals first day of my main work deviation in scene management, but second day of time let mimi replace the work which I managed, competed busily, why could go already not to be able to think that sports event's work was very trivial busy, was short of manpower really.

    09 years use the size stage the establishment, this request in 09 year write in a report raises. Somewhat is conducting the state-owned double stage except the WCG world finals, in China's competition probably is also the first seeing. The big stage may balance each game's retransmission, the small stage may give the quite popular electricity to compete the game to carry on the retransmission, this work proposed to company's program department the very big request, needs to have personnel equipment between two program director's, before needs to have two set of Taiwan the character, two sets of sports events retransmit the coordinate personnel, what is really very anxious, 09 year operation's how many somewhat knocks stumbles, regardless of 10 years illustrated how everybody does think, what in the entire retransmission sports event coordinates on to complete is quite smooth and specialized.

    Every year I busiest time before is WCG the Chinese finals promulgation 2 hours, because whose doesn't know several beforehand, therefore is impossible to promulgate beforehand on the dress rehearsal contestant, but competed ends between the promulgation to be most on 10 minutes preparations, what must let several dozens contestants really carry on the promulgation in turn according to the position order was a physical strength lives, the promulgation was cannot make a mistake absolutely, in front of that many honored guests and the audience, made a mistake is the non-specialized performance. This year 000 win the championship the fate time many FANS which lines up in the promulgation troop to well up wants him to sign, I was pointing at 000 noses and he said that you signed American you do not go, under that atmosphere, also thought under oneself big crowd of people to speak like this afterward has been too arbitrary, but if I did not prevent him to sign, as soon as so long as enclosed 10 individuals, following 100 have come, reorganized the promulgation troop order was finished in light of this, indeed was also does not have the means. Also had bumps into the contestant to lose the competition, the situation which the mood not very promulgated, small dark green has obtained the evil spirit beastly women's match third result in 08 years, at that time looked looks cannot find her person, only could look fourth has replaced her position. These accident indeed unforeseen, to have a dress rehearsal the final closing ceremony for the contestant, these three year Chinese area final finals has not been able to come up the illustration, how many a little regretted!

    10 years compare for 09 years, we have paid great attention the anticipation and the detail, the Tristar handset's beautiful woman evaluation, scene massive showgirl, the stomacher, is more elegant, drawing younger sister! Very attracts the mass audiences. In the retransmission detail, punctual these did not say, has prepared the massive video frequency source material, has expected the massive plots. Cites an example, SKY pours at 3,4 time that section of musics, if does not have the careful detail preparation not to be able to put. Was responsible for sports event's referee start the preceding week at the competition to arrive at the Base company to carry on training, was responsible for the size stage retransmission the referee had a dress rehearsal very late together and so on, in the detail each spot promotion, have paid the massive painstaking care.

    But in the World Expo, this year's contestant divided in three places has lived, I was responsible for evil spirit beastly interspace these two projects the contestant registered the lodging, this year's each contestants has attained a contestant handbook, has had custom-made the entire envelope specially, except contestant notice contest rule and so on, inside each contestant handbooks put a travel accidental insurance policy, the contestant the friend who might clear in 0.1 circles through the telephone has happen to been on leave Shanghai to look at WCG, he saw this thing was very sigh with emotion, asked that I did that well have the necessity? Other competition nobody does this ......In three stations the far station's bus goes back only then more than 10 individuals every day, the world abundant period bus's rent is usual 2 times also many, hits Che Meiren to them to hit 7~8 not to be able to use up, even if like this, also will not go to province these expenditures, because we thought that the contestant will also be feels WCG through these details.

    10 years had already finished, next year what will have to change? The direction couple of days ago said that world abundant garden probably also good, next year should have many halls not to open ......

    About looks at each other, must surmount is not others, but is one.

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