Tuesday, August 10, 2010

kids toys The Sichuan shoes business export suffers the more serious trade protectionism

    Because the global trade protection phenomenon elevates temperature, the Sichuan part Export enterprise has lost the price superiority, faced with bigger and bigger management pressure.

    Chengdu card US multi-shoe industry Chairman assistant Liu Ying sound is somewhat exhausted for more than .10 days ago, European Union will aim at the Chinese leather through the vote announcement the counter-dumping tax to lengthen for 15 months. European Union has started out for the first time since 2006 in view of the Chinese leather shoes' counter-dumping traffic ticket,kids toys, has endured including the card US many numerous Sichuan export class shoes business is more than 3 year time the high quota taxes and levies.

    Since the Chinese leather shoes, only have been recent 30 days one of Chinese product bitter experience ultramarine trade protection behavior attack export varieties. From only 5th to 6th, Mexico and the US announced in abundance in view of steel products variety implementation special tariff which and counter-dumping sanction imports from China. the `China makes the ultramarine trade protection barrier which ' faces to expand gradually. Southwest Finance and economics University finance study Professor Qiu Ke said.

    The trade protection has greatly is in flood the tendency

    Is following the trade protectionism which in 2009 the global economic recovers simultaneously gains ground, in January not only does not have the temperature decrease instead to have the being in flood tendency.

    From January 5th to 6th period, Mexico and the US announced successively in view of steel products product collection special tariff which and counter-dumping tax imports from China.

    According to some media reported that Mexico levies each kilogram 50 cent customs duties to the Chinese steel chain. At the same time, the American Department of commercial affairs announced that to the value which from China imports surpasses 300,000,000 US dollar steel wire plywood to levy 43% initially to 289% counter-dumping customs duty.

    on December 30, 2009, US announced that levies 10.36% to the Chinese petroleum steel pipe to 15.78% counter-subsidy tax ruling, and will create the US to our country biggest trade sanction case .12 months on 22nd, European Union will aim at the Chinese leather through the vote announcement the counter-dumping tax to lengthen until now for 15 months.

    The trade protection phenomenon is elevating temperature, China Export enterprise faced with huge pressure. Southwest Finance and economics University finance study Professor Qiu Ke said to reporter.

    The Sichuan Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co. group Chengdu steel vanadium Limited company exports the branch public figure to indicate to reporter that receives the American counter-dumping, the counter-subsidy document influence, the company already comprehensively put aside to North America oil well pipe export business, the trade protectionism lets us feel the huge pressure.

    Chengdu some shoes business indicated that European Union is the Sichuan shoe industry exports the third big market, the entire province has more than 10 shoes business and the European Union dealers has the business contact. The counter-dumping tax will enhance the local dealer 10% procurement cost, thus causes the Sichuan shoes to lose the price superiority.

    The Chinese Enterprise is compelled to accept a challenge

    The trade protection barrier which raises up facing the overseas, the Chinese Enterprise is compelled to accept a challenge.

    Climbed the steel to be related the public figure to indicate yesterday that the company has carried in the counter-dumping sanction incident answers a charge. We are bringing a lawsuit now with the American aspect, the actual content is not good disclosed.

    Climbs the steel to be the same, lengthens the counter-dumping sanction in view of European Union the decision, the Zhejiang shoes business manner is firm. It is reported that Zhejiang shoes business indicated that can appeal the European Union Court the lawsuit to continue to hit beside, will also continue in the United Nations shoes business,koala baby boutique clothing, supports the department of commercial affairs and the Chinese Leather Association appeals to WTO the dispute settlement mechanism, begs the view. In addition, the Chinese Leather Association also expressed that the support department of commercial affairs prepares to appeal to WTO, and invited Belgian attorney.

    But Chengdu's shoes business have not joined in this mammoth resisting counter-dumping sanction campaign.
Partial shoes business rather gives up the market

    A Chengdu anonymous shoe industry boss indicated to reporter, because previous time answers a charge in view of the European Union counter-dumping has not obtained successfully. Chengdu's shoes business to answer a charge the successful possible sex appeal to uncertain.

    Because European Union in view of the Chinese leather shoes' counter-dumping tax is 16.5%, in addition the European Union 8% customs duties, in future 15 months, the Chinese leather shoes must continue to shoulder reach as high as 24.5% serious taxes and levies. Card US multi-Chairman assistant Liu Ying said that they can only share 16.5% counter-dumping taxes together with the dealer. In exports on European Union this, will lose 20%-30% profits.

    Facing more and more trade protectionisms, gave up, putting aside into the words and expressions which the part Export enterprise mentioned.

    In the interview, some Sichuan shoes business complained,girls clothes, because if the taxes and levies enhanced the market sale to hit an obstruction, they rather gave up. But some steel business also indicated that will enlarge in the oil well pipe service to the home as well as Southeast Asia and North Africa market sales dynamics.

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