Monday, August 23, 2010

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This weekend, of imposing appearance will reach the elite competition final finals launches in Chinese area champion Deity and between Malaysian powerful bullies, the bilateral first two competitions will start in tomorrow afternoon about 16:00. The following is Plu illustrated that the Prince 鐏?demon brings NV for us main force Chuan the interview.

Is chuan

Demon: You are good, I am the Prince 鐏?demon, thanks you to accept this interview, first be please simple under the introduction.
ChuaN: I am ChuaN,toddler flower girl dresses, from Malaysia, 19 years old, does odd jobs this year in

Demon: Recently very little had your news, was doing is assorted?
ChuaN: Trains Luo, of imposing appearance reached is drawing near, trained goes home to play CDEC.

Demon: wooh! Malaysia may also with domestic play the family to play together? Why will choose at the cdec entertainment?
ChuaN: Sometimes may Arab League, only be meets the card. Because has heard cdec Arab League,tippy toes baby socks,(Related Articlesbaby doll batman How does the child neurosis distinguish Fou), therefore plays on the wishhen also has many understanding Arab League

Demon: How feels cdec? Has with the overseas IH organization is assorted differently?
ChuaN:cdec with overseas distinguishes, to play cdec very greatly not to be able to play casually, otherwise on and so on oppressive. Overseas plays casually may.

Demon: Ha, then you were oppressive. Will play family dota with China to have together is not familiar with?
ChuaN: It is not familiar with, because they good earnest. Once I did not know that casually plays, result oppressive/p>

Demon: Originally like this. The words said that you before has come China?
ChuaN: Has not come, this time of imposing appearance reaches is the first time.

Demon: Anticipation? Regardless of being China which this competition never goes or other. (for instance also has Chinese girl *^@_$*&.^$& ......)
ChuaN: Goes over the time limit treats, even if does not have the competition also to go over the time limit treats can come China. Some competitions are better (:

Demon: Can disclose your flight, the decay time, the hotel address and the room sign number? LOL
ChuaN: The flight is 9 1:40am-7am, the hotel address and the room sign number does not know T_T

Demon: Has in view of this competition does prepares specially? the my members have make a fist clench jaws want certainly to take away champion such - _____-?
ChuaN: This question I could not reply that your LOL has not made a fist clenches jaws like this seriously, completely does everything possible Luo.

Demon: Heard that your entire unit will participate in cdec after the game the meeting, right?
ChuaN: Graciousness,popular kids toys, is Arab League LOL seems also completely amusing, if can win the competition to go certainly to be better again.

Demon: Finally had is assorted wants says to your FANS and FANS?
ChuaN: We will treat each competition earnestly, will thank everybody's support!

Demon: Ha-ha. Wishes your this China tour to be happy!
ChuaN:THX. (:

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