Wednesday, August 4, 2010

toddler toys Clothing profession Do not attempt easily changes from export to domestic sale or cons

    Since the financial crisis, China Foreign trade enterprise has encountered the serious difficulty which the export market withers, many Export enterprises transfer join in the domestic market, but, will convene in the near future at 2009 Chinese clothing export high-level forum, Chinese nation commercial message center Director Wang Yao will remind: If the Foreign trade enterprise wants to make the domestic trade market, suggested that do not only be for the short-term planted agent to the financial crisis, this idea is wrong. Must complete three to five year long-term mental preparation, only then has the possibility to make the brand value.

    The domestic trade market pattern has decided

    Changes from export to domestic sale or consumption has difficultly?

    Very difficult. Wang Yao's reply very simply.

    A well-known domestic trade clothing brand enterprise, if the newly opened shop, needs three years from opening a shop to the maturity. But the Foreign trade enterprise makes the brand, then the average needs three to five years.

    Wang Yaoyi the China exports the clothing to make famous city Jintan is an example, to the difficulty which changed from export to domestic sale or consumption has made the vivid analysis with the digit. In the first half of this year, the Jintan 460 clothing enterprises altogether export 380,000,000 clothing .3 0.8 clothing averages are probably more than 80 ten thousand more than .80 ten thousand convert the domestic trade enterprise to each enterprise to open a shop, a clothing store must divide equally about 2000 according to the number of articles, this need must open 400 shops at least - - to calculate like this, how many years shop can open only then to be possible to sell out Foreign trade enterprise a half year production more than 80 ten thousand clothings?

    Chinese clothing market many year supplies in excess of demand, the Foreign trade enterprise makes the domestic trade market to continuously have the full preparation, does congenially is very difficult.

    Wang Yaozai explained take the female attire as the example, if made the brand definitely to sell to the city slicker, China had 500,000,000 city slickers, if 250,000,toddler toys,000 were the females, supposition female one year bought three clothings, 250,toddler toys,000,000 feminine one year altogether bought 750,000,000 clothings. Then, is some how many female attire brand making this market? The digit which grasps according to us is 2000 .2000 female attire brand one year sells how many clothings to be able to supply 250,000,000 feminine each person of three - - each female attire brand average more than 30 ten thousand. Such pattern basically had already formed, therefore, the foreign trade clothing enterprise enters the domestic trade market again, must consider that can snatch the share in this market pattern.

    A Chinese clothing profession very famous clothing enterprise Export enterprise once told the king Yao, reforming makes domestic trade market previous three years, basically is throws the money toward. But, some Export enterprise did not understand, will think, so long as will invest the money to be possible to complete the market, will not be actually such a matter, will make the brand is a very complex process, will not spend money to be possible to solve the problem. Wang Yao said that because once the brand entered some market actually the sales result not good to return, entered this market the possibility to be very small again.

    Prepared importantly

    Compared with the Foreign trade enterprise and the domestic trade brand enterprise's difference, Wang Yao said that makes the export most mainly to have two essential factors: One is an order form; One is a workshop. But makes the domestic trade to make the foreign trade the question to be much more complex than, the domestic trade has 10 links, for instance, must look for the market, has the advertisement, looks for designer and so on.

    King Yao gave an example saying that if the brand wanted to enter the market, needed one one to discuss,(Related Articlespuma kids shoes Beautiful nation by pure study ZAR), after finding the appropriate market, but must look for the appropriate sales personnels again; Makes the brand also to have the designer, the designer designs the product, must consider that produces how many to be only then appropriate, how to deal with the stock; Moreover, but also how can face the advertisement to do, how can attract the consumer and so on a series of questions. The foreign trade and the domestic trade are two roads completely.

    Some Foreign trade enterprise believed that many links may dig the brand enterprise's mature talented person, Wang Yao believed that this idea is wrong - -, even if dug the designer, dug the sale, but, enterprise boss should think,toddler toys, placed in own enterprise these people, whether could with own brand culture, the enterprise culture tally? Only then boss understood the brand truly, could complete the brand.

    Regarding the brand localization, Wang Yao suggested that no matter makes the high-end to carry, the most important spot will be and so on prepares later to do again. In fact, the clothing brand wants to enter the high-end market now to be difficult, because many high-end market's brand already tended to be saturated. In this case, the good brand will have the possibility or the high-end market receives welcome in the end. But, must consider that once enters this scale the market, the brand later localization was very difficult to promote. Therefore, wants to make the high-end the clothing brand not to reduce the scale easily.

    In the numerous brand essential factors, I thought that this is most main. If the brand does not enter to the market, will pay the very great price. Wang Yao emphasized.

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