Tuesday, August 10, 2010

birthday gifts for kids dota captures the dark sage to equip

dota captures the dark sage

1st, the sheep, ices the armor, refurbishing, flies the shoes/false foot (team to need HY, nobody leaves)
2nd, the sheep, the wind, the dead souls book, the maken,birthday gifts for kids, refurbishing, flies the shoes (alternative route)
3rd, west the tile, is lost in thought the mystique stick and the nihility gem, has opened west the tile synthesis sheep, is left over the board armor makes the storm

dota captures the recommendation dot way: RCEEECECCRRR+WWW+++++++++
dota captures about dot several questions:
Question 1: Why 1 level of study galloping?
Replied: The principle and qop (painful queen) 1 level of study twinkles are the same. Time faces 2 or 2 above heroic 1 level of ambushes take 1 blood's plan, this skill are many as soon as can help you and your ally escapes plunders. Therefore 1 level of study galloping, is without doubt from opening 鈥渟teadythe character that moment then to start to implement. Certainly if you are also participate in the ambush taking in 1 blood plan one, then 1 level selects c, lets the possibility which the match escapes be minisculer.
Question 2: Why do the first seven levels, only study 1 level of vacuums?
Replied: If the above skill sees initially in the detailed referral center, preliminary line ball's time, the vacuum does not take the offensive skill use, only makes an auxiliary skill, but we may see the vacuum has along with the rank promotion increases the scope the function. But has under the offensive premise, even if this auxiliary skill has 1 level of 300 scopes then enough to be able to use accurately. Therefore, leaves the skill spot the more disgusting line ball skill: Ion outer covering. You will discover that in 1-7 levels of this stage, will strengthen the version to glisten the effect, regardless of will be the function in oneself or on the ally body, will be on the dogface body, can let match particularly close combat hero's hating to the marrow of the bones how.
Question 3: Why only then enlarges in 14-16 levels incurs: Wall of the duplication?
Replied: Wall's of the duplication localization, is a formidable group fights the skill, its effect can obviously display generally in the mid and late part push stage. About the overall equipment formation's time has the general situation pivotal function, achieves the manufacture huge chaotic effect. However, fights the age which in this gank the eye war wreaks havoc, the group fights the push stage in the intermediate stage very little to occur generally. Certainly, if the tactic which the match hits is fast pushes, or one's own side chose fast has pushed the tactic, but had the dark sage, then had the big spot to be big honestly, regardless of were against fast returns is one's own side fast pushes, many individuals (, even if were mirror image - _-#), were then many a force component quantity. But the ordinary eye fights in the conventional tactic which gank fights, then does not need, because this mid and late part only then displayed the might the skill to waste the precious points, after all in gank or counter-gank time, dark sage's other 3 skills were very useful and formidable.
dota captures equips the route
1st, the standard is auxiliary master the route
The jar, the maken, the dead souls book, flies the shoes, the sheep knife, the hole in the ice
This route is the auxiliary implementation, suits in general IH and CW., but this route, protects bowl's transition is very essential, because you must use in the skill fully the coordinate superiority, from beginning to end is leading team Gank, frequent enters a war,baby blanket, even if dark sage survivability Gao Duyao withstands many injuries (close combat is also again one of this reasons). Therefore recommends 2 to protect the bowl or the 1 essence ball of comes excessively, because and it takes up a collection ability to be outstanding, and this route demand equipment is smooth but by no means too high price, therefore shares the team the eye is you needs to do, certainly is not assumes full responsibility completely. After supporting the blood, leaves the blowing or MEK first, regards the team and the match combination constitution needs to come itself to choose. If one's own side maneuvering force is outstanding, then leaves the blowing to be auxiliary gank is a very good idea first. But match, if aoe is formidable, but one's own side not suitable MEK member, then leaves MEK to be auxiliary the first team is necessary .40 when team push coordinates the big move to be more formidable, and can play restraint match aoe and skeleton Wang Zheilei hero's role, the group fights the high-grade goods. But outstanding takes up a collection ability by the dark prophet, if this time competed had not finished, then farm left the hole in the ice in the following time to strengthen own attribute. C, E these two Farm best quality goods skill, can let you after all later period all receive several wave soldiers in the soldier sea to be a cinch.
2, DPS brushes the money route (recommendation)
a: Lincoln, glistens, the storm, the hole in the ice, flies the shoes, the cannon
b: The crazy war, the butterfly, the heart, the storm, the illusory image axe, flies the shoes
Suits in pub or IH., if you are the force lineups, needs you to reform is dps, then uses oneself outstanding Farm ability well. Certainly this is not the author recommends.
I believe dark sage oneself becomes the equipment which dps needs is the unusual high price, because his own low agile growth must have not the vulgar output also to need to spend money to make up. Certainly even if advocates farm, also recommends should support own as far as possible on own initiative teammate. Especially occurs at oneself nearby campaign. Dota is take the team cooperation as the core game, this is also the dota charm is, myself do not recommend the individualism extremely.
If leaves a force component for the team, establishes the team early the superiority, then own development opportunities can also obtain the infinite expansion correspondingly. But basic equipment mentality, because you are by farm primarily, then does not need to spend excessively many financial resource to make the earlier period to support the blood, dark sage's survivability belongs to the outstanding rank after all.
But how more do considerations help you to enhance well support the line and farm ability. Then leaves a tenacious ball first, the evil spirit which returns to the blood to return to the evil spirit the ability to be able to provide you to continue the brace line ability which and the vacuum + ion outer covering these two move of your farm magic weapon needs to consume. But the tenacious ball may grow a route and b the route .a route's words, glistens first further sharpens your farm ability, regardless of being runs about all over or is brushes the soldiers efficiency to be remarkable, afterward completes Lincoln, the god of thunder, the hole in the ice, flies the shoes, the cannon is the later period force magic weapon. But the b route's words, leave the crazy tomahawk are also first sharpen the farm ability the method, afterward equipment along with the dark prophet's outstanding farm ability, can also with ease obtain.
As for left any equipment this to according to the circumstance. Equipment opposite nuker many have supported the blood we to chase down and kill under ability high to speak the truth with wind weaponry opposite later period dps very Gao Yongyang weaponry apm with 40 books is very at will according to the circumstance! Glistens sheep account evil spirit heart this kind to be possible to leave.
Growth flow
Goes out the equipment choice (by hand sorting primarily):
a: Branch x3, eats sets up x2, small blood bottle x1, returns to evil spirit liquid medicines x1
b:sobi mask x1, branch x2, eats sets up x2
Individual comparison recommends a to go out the route, then direct jar, because the preliminary line ball stage only needs accidentally to use the ion outer covering to harass the match to make up the knife, and gallops the evil spirit consumes is also relative small, the preliminary blue burden is not big, 325 sobi masks are without doubt for one 50% returned to the blue speed to spend has gone out the money above 3/5, has sacrificed the hp aspect restoration ability, this was the comparison is unworthy.
But a went out the route quite to be comprehensive, was more advantageous in continues to support the line. After obtaining the jar, you then might have more lasting restoration ability. What is worth mentioning, the dark sage 1 level then has 60-66 initial attacks, this is the initial striking power which in the game the minority several heroes can compare favorably with, i.e., dark sage, in controls the line to make up on the knife is also the suitable strong trend. Although the dark sage gets rid the speed will have certain detention, but will not calculate seriously, will grasp familiar the words will make up the knife are a quite relaxed matter; Next, the dark prophet does not suit solo, his intrepid auxiliary skill, if will have an offensive control skill ally line to have a more splendid effect, after having protects the bowl and the shoe will even catch a chill the part and so on basic equipment,baby bibs, along with game's progress, bilateral rank promotion, regardless of the enemy and ourselves can become are not law-abiding. Then frequent gank will fight with the eye war correspondingly will then occur, this time you probably will have 8-11 levels, this time and the preceding text has mentioned, will match the splendid ally with you to attack the match, the foundation one's own side superiority is the best choice together, your these skills will fight in intermediate stage gank are the function are huge.

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